New Feature: Better Trending and Production Monitoring Alarms

Update! GreaseBook now reduces the number of ‘false anomalies’ and enables you to set much ‘tighter’ trending alarms in the monitoring of your Oil, Gas, and Water production levels. Basically, as opposed to comparing the historical running average production against today’s production, we’ve changed the anomaly alarm structure by enabling you to compare the historical […]

Lease Pumper Handbook: MWC's Lease Pumper's Handbook

We just wanted to throw out a BIG “thank you!” to the Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission for putting together the Lease Pumper Handbook for pumpers, gaugers, and well tenders everywhere… For those of you unfamiliar with the Marginal Well Commission, their mission is to define, identify, and evaluate the economic and operational factors of marginally […]

Wellhead Pumper: How to set up iMessage for your Wellhead Pumpers

iMessage lets your new iPad send and receive SMS-like text messages, and MMS-style multimedia messages just like a phone. Instead of a phone number, however, it uses your wellhead pumper’s email address, and it only works with other Apple devices, like other iPads, iPhones, iPod touches, and the recently released Messages for Mac beta. (Also, see […]

How to set-up iPad Reminders for Pumpers

(1) On the left side of the Calendar page, you will see a Reminders section. You can add a new Reminders category by clicking on “Edit” located next to the Calendars title and then clicking on the “+” icon next the Reminders title . (2) Give your new Reminders list category a fitting title . […]