Every day, well tenders, contract pumper companies, and oil & gas operators inquire into the GreaseBook Well Tender app… the caller has usually been referred to us by one of our clients, checks out our website, and decides to call.
Besides cost, the operator is generally interested in two things:
reduction in-house field related admin work, and
increased production
Because GreaseBook captures and stores images of paper run tickets, and gathers and displays your production data (think: no more calling your pumpers to remind them submit their paper gauge sheets and Excel production files), no one questions GreaseBook’s ability to eliminate the in-house field related admin work that goes with operating oil & gas wells.
However, most operators want to know how an app can increase oil & gas production.
Allow us explain…
To maximize the production of a marginal well, you must make a thorough examination of the well’s history. To get the most oil from a stripper well, you must not only have the desire to continually work with the well, but you must also understand how the well was completed, identify what changes will be required to maintain profitable production, and decide when these changes must be made.
Not only must your Well Tender make good decisions every day and work consistently at the job, but to be effective he must also develop a deep understanding of production. When visiting a lease, a few things should always be at the top of the well tender’s mind:
Type of reservoir.
Flow at each well. Is it increasing?
Does the efficiency of the chemicals need to be retested?
What are offset operators doing to stimulate production?
A large pump moves liquid quickly. Is this the best way?
A small pump moves liquid slowly. Is this the best way?
Frequency of pump repairs.
Setting of tubing perforations in relation to the casing perforations.
Flow line backpressure against the formation.
Should the type of mechanical lift be changed?
How long has it been since the last productivity test?
Pumping unit strokes per minute.
Pumping unit stroke length.
Causes for down times.
Changes in production profiles.
At your company, where (or with whom) does this information reside?
Is it in some file cabinet in the backroom (you know, the one with no windows and fluorescent light flickering?)
Lost in the confines of an Excel datasheet buried deep within our computer’s system files?
Maybe you or your foreman are carrying it around in your heads? … even worse, maybe this valuable info resides in the mind of someone on your staff who is quickly approaching retirement?
The executive who works at making strengths productive—his own as well as those of others—works at making organizational performance compatible with personal achievement. He works at making his knowledge area become an organizational opportunity. However, when an engineer or operations manager is bogged down by the daily minutiae of the oil field, he’s not able to focus on getting the right things done and making effective decisions.
We believe that enabling well tenders is the most effective (and brushed aside) method of enhancing lease production. You will continue to pay your well tender $X of dollars per month per lease. However, whether you choose to leverage that Pumper’s time is up to you.
One of the greatest impacts GreaseBook can have on your company is the dissemination of information. GreaseBook has developed a way to alleviate the dissemination of information throughout your company — not personally, but systematically.
How can GreaseBook increase production? Although the app can’t make production decisions for your Pumper, GreaseBook can force your Pumper to morph from field-hand into proactive decision-maker.
By reviewing the history of a well garnered from his past commentary, executive notes, and the remarks of any other pumper with whom he shares the responsibility of the lease (all info is synced between your pumpers’ and management iPads on the cloud), the pumper will have a referenceable well history file when diagnosing the symptoms of any well.
Not only does GreaseBook keep these records for your well tenders, but these notes are also accompanied by a heads-up display of historical oil, water, and gas production graphs for every lease. Every time a pumper enters a measurement for the day, GreaseBook serves a historical production chart from which to compare the day’s flow against historical production. When production information is displayed in graph form, potential problems that may not have been identified on paper become very easy to recognize — and ultimately to fix.

By ridding your office of field-related admin duties, you breed organizational opportunity. Pushing this responsibility out of the office and into the field not only frees up time that would otherwise be devoted to administration, but when displayed correctly, this information becomes a powerful resource from which your well tenders can act upon.
When you give your tenders the right kind of information, you enable them to become proactive decision makers. And, proactive pumpers are a huge step toward enabling owners, engineers, and operations managers to break free from the daily minutiae of operations.
Hey Well Tenders!
What if we told you landing new wells as a well tender was a snap?
What if you could pick and choose your wells at will, letting go of wells that were off the beaten path in favor of those that were closer to home?
Well, as of now, it’s not a dream anymore.
Introducing the GreaseBook ‘Pumper Mesh’ – a directory for gaugers, pumpers, lease operators, well tenders and the like – designed to introduce YOU to companies operating in the counties in which you pump.
Hang your shingle out. Get introduced to Oil and Gas Operating Companies. Get your shot at more well tending jobs. All through the Pumper Directory. All at no charge to you.
Why do this for the well tenders?
It’s just our way of saying “thanks” for being out on the front line of oil & gas.
To check out the ‘Pumper Mesh’ click here.