The simplest oil & gas production software powering the most profitable, operationally efficient producers in the oil patch today.

Supercharge Your Pumpers and Maximize Your Profit with Greasebook's All New Pumper Engagement System™

Equip each member of your team with the info they need to maximize performance and minimize inefficiencies in the palm of their hand.
→ No more late, inaccurate production data.
→ Ensure you're notified every time a well goes down.
All production info and well history files queued up and stored for you in an easily-accessible, centralized place from which your entire team can work.
→ Achieve results in as little as 1 week.

•  AS SEEN ON  •               • AS SEEN ON  •               • AS SEEN ON  •               • AS SEEN ON  •            

Digital oil field management system

The Secret to a (Highly Profitable) Digital Oil Field Management System

If you’re like most operators, reality only settles in once you want to scale your company, try to create some sort of freedom from your operations (ie the reason most of us start a business in the first place), or decide to sell the business. Pick your poison, but it’s one of these three scenarios that always serves as the ice-water-in-the-face moment for the independent operator.

It’s the “oh shit” moment when most – say 99% – of all operators wake up to the realization that they’ve been doing it all wrong. 

All of that hard work, all of that great suffering, all of that “doing it, doing it, doing it” – which is the tactical reality of almost every oil and gas operator – that they’ve been consumed with during the years preceding that moment when they finally think to themselves: “How do I scale? How do I make this company work for me? How do I prepare this company for sale?”

Then and only then do they see that there’s absolutely no way they’re going to get from here to scale. Here to freedom. Here to sale. Why? Because the necessary System hasn’t been deployed so that their company can succeed at what it has set out to do. 

And while your System may have worked while you had 2, 5, or even 50 wells, any field management solution comprised of text messages, email updates, dossier files on well history, loose run tickets, and daily oil reporting forms in paper or Excel format isn’t going to get you where you want to go.

The System we’re talking about is the creation of your turnkey oil field management solution. Without that, you’ll never have a scalable company. It all begins or dies right here. This choice to invent your oil field management System is the most elemental entrepreneurial choice of them all.

Which is precisely the reason why it’s so damned hard for operators to rise above the entrapment of what we like to call the ‘tyranny of routine’. The calls. The texts. The emails. The daily oil reporting forms (or lack thereof). The mistakes. The incompetence.

Most operators fail to make this choice, or, even worse, make the wrong choice when it comes to oil and gas production software to stand in for their System, and it’s destined to fail from the get go. 

It’s “doing it, doing it, doing it” – all until you simply can’t do it anymore.

Key Frustrations: A Checklist for the Oil & Gas Operator

One essential characteristic of oilfield operations (and modern life) is that we all depend on Systems – on assemblages of people or technologies or both – and among our most profound difficulties is making them work.

“All this talk about the System sounds great, but it’s still not clear… what exactly is a System? How can I develop my own ‘System’?”

Your oil field management System – which is essentially your oil and gas information systems workflow – is the methodology through which you deliver the result you have promised to your partners, your employees, and yourself. 

It’s how you integrate the visual, operational, functional, and financial components of your oil & gas operations. Everything an independent operator would need to scale from 1 to 10,000 wells (if she so chooses).

For example, the checklist is the humblest of all Systems. Quite simply, the checklist is a quality-control device. The value of using checklists springs directly from the complexity of modern life, whether we’re talking about surgery, flying an airplane, or building a skyscraper.

The complexities of oil & gas operations overwhelm even the best-trained engineers, supervisors, and field staff. What the operator needs in order to achieve Maximum Profit, isn’t just people working together to be nice to each other. It’s discipline. And discipline is freakin’ tough.

We are not built for discipline. We are built for novelty and excitement, not for careful attention to detail. Discipline is something we have to work at.

Good checklists, on the other hand are precise. They are efficient, to the point, and easy to use even in the most difficult situations. They do not try to spell out everything – a checklist cannot fly a plane or build a building. Instead, they provide reminders of only the most critical and important steps – the ones that even the highly skilled professional using them could miss.

Understand, checklists are not just for simple, straightforward tasks. Checklists help people communicate and work together better, especially when the unexpected occurs.

So as an oil & gas operator, we must identify the missing pieces in our operational puzzle – which, in turn, are the systems that need to be there, but aren’t.

Monthly Maintenance Checklist:                

  • Well testing
  • Circulating tank bottoms
  • Chemical treating
  • Planning upcoming tasks      

Daily Maintenance Checklist:

  • How much oil and water are in all of the tanks.
  • The height of the fluid levels in all sight glasses.     
  • The pressures on all gauges.
  • The levels of water in the disposal system and pit.
  • Whether any oil has been carried over into the water system.     
  • Gauging the stock tank. 
  • Gauging water levels
  • Switching tanks and opening equalizer lines 

Checklist for Short Production:

  • Problem downhole?
  • Oil in the separator gas line?
  • Oil trapped in the heater/treater wash tank?
  • Paraffin?
  • Flowline blocked or plugged?
  • A well accidentally turned off?
  • Electrical failure?
  • Casing check valve fail to close properly?
  • Or was a valve accidentally left closed?

Checklist for Downhole Issue:

  • Pump valve not seating?    
  • Gas lock?  
  • Salt bridges downhole?
  • Plugged casing or tubing perfs?
  • Worn or failed pump?
  • Split tubing?

… you get the idea.

These checklists should serve as an eye opener (and for some of you an emotional roller coaster…) 

When working through these Checklists, you must ask yourself: “Do I have this? Do I have that? Do we know this? Do we know that?” From function to function to function to function. It becomes transparently clear that you don’t have almost anything we need to have in order to operate our company as effectively as a McDonald’s.

Which is why we say that your operation’s ultimate success depends upon the creation of an exemplary turnkey System, which says, to all and sundry, “This is how we operate here!” 

A System that doesn’t depend upon your ability to find and hire exemplary pumpers, production techs, or assistants, but upon YOUR exemplary ability to systematize the management the affairs of your pumpers, production techs, and assistants (via simple tools like the checklist).

Unfortunately, few of us are taught this as oil field managers. It might be said that we are left to discover it on our own (or not). The signals we receive from industry conferences, executive education and the like, are at best, veiled instructions, brought to us in the form of edicts and directions rather than inspiration. 

Lower your operating costs! 

Be more efficient! 

Employ a multi-well drill pad! 

Of course these instructions are the product of other human beings’ genuine efforts to exercise leadership (as, a generation earlier, they experienced it) – but, more often than not, are interpreted as a need to proflecize, rather than create any real change. But the “true North” for the oil & gas operator is its System.

Committing your Oil and Gas Information System to Form

As your quantification tells you that you’ve successfully increased the efficiency or effectiveness of what you do by how you do it, the very next leg of a successful turnkey oil and gas information System is Orchestration. 

What do we mean by Orchestration? 

By Orchestration, we mean documenting the innovative improvement you’ve made on HOW you do WHAT you do, so that every individual on your team is able to MASTER the new, innovatively disruptive methodology, which has enabled you to produce greater, more effective results, time after time, after time. 

Which is, of course, the very meaning of “turnkey”: The ability to replicate successful behavior. Again and again, without fail. This is how we gauge. This is how we record our gauges. This is how we hold our purchasers and service companies accountable. This is how we send in our tickets. This is how we reconcile those tickets.

Because, to the degree that you’re unable to replicate successful behavior, your ability to scale, sell, or simply take more time off is not only hampered, but blocked. Keeping you in that unfortunate state most oil and gas operators find themselves in, looking for better and better people in the hope that they will bring better and better results. 

“It’s the people!”, most companies exclaim. Well, if that were true, that success resides in finding better and better people, Ford Motor Company would have never succeeded. Nor would it have grown. No company can. 

To the contrary, success – which means your ability to grow exponentially, effectively and predictably – resides not in the acquisition of better and better people, but in the creation of exemplary systems, which the greenest of pumpers and most inexperienced of production techs can learn to master. Continuously.

For example, when managing, acquiring, or drilling any well, a key component of your System is the data capture solution you roll out to your guys and gals in the field. It’s only through the eyes, ears, and minds of your pumpers and field personnel that this information can flow to everyone else in your operations (and Why it’s Crucial You Organize Around Data (Not Personalities) in Oil and Gas Asset Management). Your oil field management System should create better pumpers – in fact, it’s from this information which all improvement flows.

To be clear, it’s not just ‘systemized capture’ of sending data back to HQ – it’s a two way communications platform giving your pumpers the ability to call upon a knowledge base of the experience your company has assembled to operate these wells: historical production, graphing, commentary from anyone who’s ever visited the well site.

Your Oil Field Management System is Your Promise

In the marketplace of oil & gas, the cost at which you extract oil and the System that enables you to do it is who you are. This system you either create or ascribe to is the reason your company is alive. However, as the world changes, you and your operations must become “street-smart” if you’re going to stand a chance of succeeding – perhaps, even surviving.

Remember, all of this work we’re doing is about getting results. We’re not creating only to be creative. We’re not innovating simply to be innovative. We’re not operating oil & gas wells just to operate oil & gas wells. We’ve got a serious end in mind. And, to discover how to get there, we’re going to want to study the laws of production and cost to most effectively produce exactly what we’re looking for from our oil & gas assets which is Maximum Profit.

You’re looking for a System that has already proven itself. One that can be successfully implemented. One that successfully delivers the improved results you require. One that enables you to scale at will, in the hands of ordinary people, all at a low cost, to give you an extreme competitive advantage.

And we simply believe that a new breed of field service software is the quickest to get you there (for example, through a killer oil and gas app for operators…)

Sure, you hear a lot of talk about the digital oilfield, introduction of scada to oilfield operations, and the implementation of E&P tank software and hardware. And while this idea of the ‘digital oil field’ and its tools has merit, most operators roll these expensive systems out before they come to understand their most chronic dysfunction. And that underlying dysfunction is always a strategic problem, a workflow problem, something easily solved by reevaluating the way they communicate – never a technological problem. 

Unfortunately, instead of reevaluating their System (which would solve 90% of their issues for a fraction of the cost), most operators that roll-out SCADA and sensors simply exchange a set of systematic personnel issues for a new set of technological issues.

That said, allow us to articulate the simple, clear-cut premise that “the System is the solution”. Not the hardware, nor the sensors, nor the tank sticks. The idea that “The System is the solution” is core to our position in the marketplace: to transform the state of oil & gas operators nationwide.

The human element in Oil & Gas is alive and well, and the model for all successful oil and gas operators is one in which “systems run the business and people run the System.”

And, to achieve this objective of ours, we had to invent the scalable, universal oil field management software SYSTEM, which could have resonance with and be applied to every single oil & gas operator in the country.

Not only that, but be executed by the greenest of gauger, most technologically challenged pumper, and inexperienced production technician in exactly the same way every single time—in the same way a minimum wage worker makes a Big Mac or french fries.

First and foremost (and where so many of our contemporaries failed to execute, or perhaps failed to listen) was that the System must be Simple. Once the idea simplicity is recognized and achieved, you move on to be scalable. To be replicable. To be manageable. To be repeatable. 

To follow the quality lexicon and to flawlessly and consistently exhibit the System’s best practices, delivering a consistent, satisfying result Every. Single. Time.

Today, that ‘digital oilfield dream’ is known as GreaseBook. And we are transforming the state of independent oil & gas operators nationwide.

How CAN we guarantee you a 6% lift in profit margin in 6 weeks*?

*PLEASE NOTE: 6% is the AVERAGE result of producers who implement the app into their operations..... which means a full HALF of our clients do better 🤑


Send us your Well and Pumper info 📑

Your team sits back while our Petroleum Engineers turn key your build out, setting up all production facilities to precisely mirror what you’ve got going on in the field.

Day 1

Roll out Pumpers 👨🏻‍🦰👴🏻👨🏻👨🏾‍🦱👴🏽🧔🏼‍♂️📲

We train, instruct and hand hold your pumpers every step of the way. Typical time for a pumper to learn the app? 8 minutes.

Week 1

Immediate Results 🎯

  • Your production data in On Time: Because your pumper can enter production on ANY device (Android, Apple, tablet, PC, Mac, Desktop or Laptop) AND the app works offline, you’ve eliminated ANY excuse for you NOT to have your data. PS for better or worse, NOBODY leaves their home without their phone 😉
  • Your production data is Quality Controlled: Because the app checks your pumpers’ work, all your production data should now be QC’d.

Week 6

6% Lift in your Net Profit Margins Achieved or You Don’t Pay 💯💰📈

  • Your production data is in a Centralized Place: Because you have a simple system and everyone in the field knows how to work it, no one on the team ever has to wonder what’s really going on in the field.
  • The pulse and overall health of your company’s production is now known at all times
  • The status of any asset or pumper can be reviewed from any device
    • Because of this, you have now progressed to the point where you may want to set up Alerts around your production. To get you started (and get your creative juices flowing), we’ll implement two alerts on your behalf:
      • Comments
        • Get notified anytime a pumper leaves a comment without having to dig for it.
      • 7/14/30 Day Running Average
        • Get treatment to a well as soon as it shows signs of falling off.
    • However, the number and type of Alerts you can set up around your production are endless. A few common examples we see as having the biggest impact to your operations are:
  • Reduced Downtime
        • A well never sits idle for longer than it has to due to a pumper not calling it in.
  • Account for Every Drop of Oil
        • Each transfer of crude is meticulously tracked and every drop accounted for. No more skimming vacuum truck operators or purchasers pulling that extra inch of ‘velvet’ from your oil hauls.
  • Cap Ceiling Pressures on Injection and SWD wells
      • Injection wells are rated for certain pressures and blow outs are expensive. Get notified anytime an injector creeps above its maximum allowable pressure.
    • How many days since a Pumper last checked in? 👀
      • Do we trust our pumpers? Yes! Do we also want to verify they’re doing what they’re supposed to do? Oh yes!! Anytime a pumper goes AWOL for more than X days (doesn’t show up on site, doesn’t submit data) you know about it.

The bad news is you still have to work. The good news is you now have the power to put full oversight of both your pumpers and your production on automatic enabling you to focus on the activities in your company that will move the needle such as acquiring more wells, drilling and re-completions, or simply taking more time off 🏝️



Accurate & Timely Production Data

Weekly, monthly, or missed reports simply don’t cut it. Why? Because longer reporting intervals increase the risk of inaccuracies and discrepancies in your production data, which not only erodes trust in the reported figures but also makes it challenging to analyze trends or forecast future production 📉 With Greasebook, eliminate any excuse NOT to have your production data.

Reduced Downtime through Alerts

Gain timely detection of equipment malfunctions or other operational issues and prevent costly breakdowns. With Greasebook, alert your in-house team to issues in the field wherever they're at.

Centralized Repository

Get full production history, well files, commentary and the like in the hands of the people who need it (when they need it) and enable everyone in the field or office to do their best work.

Reduced Overhead

The height of cultivation runs to simplicity. Greasebook is kinda like a "Robotic Production Tech" 🤖, streamlining your operations and automating back-office tasks all while eliminating any excess operational drag ❌ ⚙️

Increased Production

Catch a hole in the tubing or an engine issue immediately when a well begins to slip (not several weeks later when your purchaser statements come in 💸)Greasebook is the next best thing to 'sitting shotgun' with each pumper on every route. And because you'll have complete visibility of your assets and your field crew, you'll not only avoid significant expenses associated with repairs and oversights but you'll also produce more oil because of it.

Full Accountability

Get everyone in the field on the same page and gain full transparency of your assets and pumpers in the field. Eliminate any chance of boiler housed reports and ‘Kitchen Table Pumping’ for good 🍳

→ “No-sweat” complete Company setup, turn-keyed by a Pet. Eng.
→ “Done for you” Pumper roll-out and training

The System

Why Greasebook Works

The secret is simple—Pumper Engagement. Instead your pumpers flying blind, relying solely on ‘feel’, or simply being left to their own devices, Greasebook’s Pumper Engagement System™ equips each member of your team with the information they need to maximize performance and minimize inefficiencies through a dead-simple app.

In fact, most producers start achieving results in as little as one week. Here’s how:

💪 Supercharge Your Veteran Pumpers

When you equip your more experienced team members with The Pumper Engagement System™, they gain access to visual production graphs, notes, well tests, well history files, and production alerts via a simple app on their smartphone or laptop, all without needing internet connectivity.

Unlike other production software that serves only as a ‘data capture’ tool and retains just 1-2 months of data, Greasebook is the ONLY software on the market to deliver all crucial data since the beginning of the well’s life in an easy-to-consume manner where he needs it most: onsite, in the field.

The Pumper Engagement System™ enables veteran pumpers to make data-supported decisions, maximizing well performance with their expert judgment.

📈 Level-Up Your (Green) Gaugers

Streamline your entire team’s communication and get everyone on the same page. Get management and knowledgeable team members the right information and the platform to provide feedback, quickly turning less experienced gaugers into valuable, long-term contributors.

By having access to all production information in an easy-to-consume manner, less experienced gaugers begin to understand the cause and effect different production variables have on each other and how their actions affect this.

👀 Get a Better Handle on Your Contract Pumpers

Contract pumpers aim to maximize their routes with as many wells as possible, which can conflict with your goal of giving each asset the attention it deserves. The Pumper Engagement Systems’s geo-fencing tool records every time someone from your team steps foot on the lease, reducing the total number of ‘skipped visits’ each month. 🤫 Plus, because the app works offline and everyone always has their phone, you eliminate any excuse for not submitting those mission-critical updates.

The result? Less oversight, less downtime, fewer excuses, fewer headaches, more production, more profit, and more enjoyment by freeing you up to focus on what you do best.

Transform your operations with Greasebook and see the difference in just one week 📆



From one-off wells to lengthy routes, no matter what form your pumping takes, GreaseBook keeps your pumpers focused on moving those production updates from field to office.


Easily gather everything that matters. Track tank levels, capture notes, administer well tests, submit photos of scanned run tickets. All from the field. All on your mobile device. All over the cellular network.


Connect with the people who help you get it all done. Communicate, collaborate, and share in real-time with your guys and gals in the field without ever leaving the GreaseBook.


Access fast, accurate gauge sheets. No need to re-key production or manipulate Excel. Just one click and your production is organized into a beautiful screen-friendly layout.



Your Greasebook Set-Up explained in 3 simple steps. Send us your existing production info or login to your existing Legacy Production System and we’ll assign a Petroleum Engineer to turnkey your entire setup for you.

We’ll build your wells, your tank straps, your users and anything else you require.

Once everything has been approved by your team, we’ll roll out and train your pumpers while you focus on more important stuff.

Send us your Well and Pumper info 📑

Your team can sit back while our team of Petroleum Engineers turnkey your build out, setting up all production facilities to precisely mirror what you’ve got going on in the field.

We roll out and train your Pumpers 📲

We train, instruct and hand hold your pumpers every step of the way. What's the typical time for a pumper to learn the app? About 8 minutes.

Immediate Results 🎯

Because the app works offline and NOBODY leaves their home without their phone, you’ve eliminated any excuse for you NOT to have your data. What about those pumpers who doesn't have a smartphone?

With Greasebook, in addition to smartphones your pumpers can also enter their data on whichever PC, Mac, Desktop, Laptop or Tablet they're most comfortable with 💻✅

→ Achieve results in less than 1 week
→ Doesn’t work? Don’t like it? WE PAY YOU.
→ 60-day,  200% money-back guarantee

Share Responsibility

Production data syncs across all pumpers who share the responsibility of a particular lease. That means no more calling, no more meeting up to trade-off books, and no more miscommunication.

Mobile Sync

Automatic sync means your production status is available the minute your pumper returns to coverage.

Offline Access

Pumpers retain access to historical production by making their work available even when a connection isn’t.

200% Money-Back Guarantee

If after running the app for 60 days in your operation you're not satisfied, we'll either work with you until it's right or we'll DOUBLE your money back.

Voted New Technology Development of the Year.

bbls pumped to date
MCF flowed to date

Simple 8-minute Ramp Up

Average time to learn? 8 minutes (and yes, this goes for those pumpers who are 75 years old still tending wells…)

Custom Reports

Select one of our premade reports or build your own.

Alarm Alerts

Whether it’s a full tank or well is offline, we’ll text or email anyone you want if there’s an issue.

Production Graphs

See the big picture with beautiful production displays which render perfectly on any device.

Field Data Collection

Enter run tickets, BS&W draws, water hauls, track dual product tanks, conduct well tests all via the Greasebook. Now, your real-time monitoring shows right alongside those manual pumper gauges.


Real-time production is worthless if you don’t have the contextual information to complement it. Tag or search pumper comments by lease, well, or injector/SWD – letting the whole team know precisely what’s going on in the field.

Well Testing and Allocation Engine

Robust well testing and allocation engines to satisfy even the most complex gathering system.

Downtime Tracker

Which wells are down? How long they been down for? Why are they down? Now, you’ll know at a moment’s glance.

State & Government Auto-Report Filer

Yes, you read that right. We’ll produce your State and Government production reports enabling your back office to catch their breath.

Scheduled Reports

Want a report with your coffee every morning at 5AM? Got a WI partner who won’t quit calling to ‘get the numbers’? Set’em up on an automated report and watch the daily minutiae disappear.

Well History Files

A single place for your downhole and surface equipment PDFs, Word Docs, and the like – accessible in both the field and office.

Pumper GPS Tracker

Wanna know how many times your pumper is showing up each month? When was the last time someone set foot on a particular lease? No more “he said, she said” – with GPS tracker, now you’ll know the full story.

Custom Variables

Track any variable at any lease no matter how obscure.

Custom Logic

Components of a production system don’t operate in a vacuum. We make complex math simple so you can focus on analysis NOT spreadsheet jockeying.

Partner/Investor Permissions

Maintain transparency by giving special partners and investors access to their production (and ONLY their production!)

Read-Only Permissions

Giving certain users the ability to ‘look but don’t touch’.

Privacy and security. Keep what’s private pri****.

Bring the most advanced security to your operations. The GreaseBook comes with built-in protections against malware and viruses, and given our open API it gives you the freedom to choose what you share and how you share it. So no matter what you’re doing (or where you’re doing it), GreaseBook helps your private information stay that way.


→ “No-sweat” complete Company setup, turn-keyed by a Pet. Eng.

→ “Done for you” Pumper roll-out and training

(just a few of) the products we integrate with


“If you’re unsatisfied for any reason during your 60 day trial, we'll either work with you until it's right or we'll DOUBLE your money back. How can we do this? We're just that good. But don't take it from me. Check out what our clients are saying below......"
Greg Archbald
Perpetual Student of the Oilfield
Founder of GreaseBook

→ Achieve results in less than 1 week
→ Doesn’t work? Don’t like it? WE PAY YOU.
→ 60-day,  200% money-back guarantee

Too Good to Be True? 🤨


Ask us anything


Not really. Simply share with us your Excel reports, paper gauge sheets, or the login to your existing legacy production software and we’ll take care of the rest. Our petroleum engineers turn-key your entire setup, we’ll reach out once we’re done. Bada bing.

You’re right. And, because no one leaves their house without their phone (and because our app works offline), we eliminate any excuse for your pumpers NOT to send you their data. See, we told you this would be easy.

In addition to both Android and Apple smartphones, the Greasebook also works on any tablet, laptop, or desktop.

While Greasebook has been implemented in many of the country’s largest publicly traded production companies operating thousands of wells, Greasebook is focused on serving the small and mid-sized independent US-based oil & gas operators.

Anywhere, anytime, on any device (phone, tablet, desktop or laptop).

The beauty of the app is once your pumpers start submitting their production via the Greasebook – anyone on your team can access production reports, graphs and well files from any device at any time.

It’s sorta like a centralized place from which everyone on your team can work, without all the calls, text messages and emails that would go on otherwise.

Absolutely. As your pumpers continue to add tickets, comments, pressures, well tests and any other relevant information, your investors will have guest access to as much (or as little) information as you’d like.

Of course, they’ll only see production info for the wells in which they participate.

Oil & gas companies who run Legacy oil and gas software systems expose themselves to major risks (and minor annoyances…)

The complexity of traditional oil & gas production systems is twofold:

  1. Software Problem: Legacy software systems are expensive, outdated, clunky and have extremely complex interfaces. In fact, because of all the support and manual interventions required, continuing to use outdated software can often be more costly than simply upgrading.
  2. People Problem: Legacy software systems take an enormous amount of time to familiarize oneself with. And, anytime an employee quits, retires, or is let go the amount of training required for new employees can be significantly higher than for newer, more user-friendly software.


This is a lose/lose. What’s more, given all the set-up fees, training fees, support fees and the like the projected ‘savings’ never materialize and now your forced to contend with fluctuating hydrocarbon prices AND a bloated monthly OPEX.

Talk about getting stuck in the muck!

With Greasebook, office users are 99% proficient with the platform in about 20 minutes.

Within 2 seconds – FROM YOUR SMARTPHONE – you’ll have your answer to any question regarding production, allocations, performance, well history files, commentary, run ticket reconciliation, Custom Reports, State reports, and more – all sliced and diced and customized at the Company, Operator, Battery, Well, State, County, Section, Township, Range, Acquisition, or even Supervisor level…

We’ve been at this for awhile. Greasebook was established in 2012 and now supports more than 400+ oil and gas operators (small ma & pops and publicly traded companies alike) across 20 States.

Today, Greasebook is now the fastest growing production software in the patch.👏

The Greasebook corporate outpost is proudly located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 🤠📍

The Greasebook helpdesk is staffed by Petroleum Engineers, Geologists, and Completions Experts Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM CST. 

We have a real-time chat through which most questions are answered in 2 minutes or less.

Naturally, some questions are more complex and you’ll want to speak to someone over the phone. In this case, we aim to complete all callbacks within two hours of scheduling.👌

Of course, your Dashboard and Reports are available to you 24/7.

We don’t blame them.

Pumpers have been burned by Legacy Production Systems in the past. 😵

However, given how much upside you stand to gain in the form of time savings and profit, DON’T let the tail wag the dog, folks!! 💸

Real talk: the average pumper takes about 8 minutes to learn Greasebook (and that goes for guys in their 80s still tending wells…)

Give us two days and we’ll make believers out of your entire pumping crew….

Still not convinced? Check out Greasebook’s “Pumper Wall of Love” by clicking here and let the pumpers tell you themselves 😘

Let us help you help yourself. Simply send us your existing production info, and we’ll assign one of our Petroleum Engineers to turn-key your entire setup for you.

We’ll build your wells, your tank straps, your users and anything else you require.

Finally, once everything has been reviewed by your team, we’ll roll out your pumpers and either train them for you or with you – whichever you prefer.

That’s not a question, but actually no.

The average pumper demands anywhere from $125 to $400 per month.

And depending on what you require, Greasebook is priced anywhere from $5-15 well/mo.

So, given how much more you’ll get out of your pumpers, how much we’ll streamline your operations, and how quickly we’ll get this all done for you, we’re actually kind of a bargain.

Our guarantee is two-pronged…

First, run the app for full 6 weeks in your operations. If you’re not completely satisfied YOU DON’T PAY.

Second, if for any reason you’d like your money back in first 30 days after paying simply let us know and it’s yours. 🤝

However, if you’re anything like our other 400+ operators you’ll be wondering why you didn’t do this 6 months ago…

We’re ready when you are. Take the quiz and schedule a call here – depending how many operators we have in front of you, there’s a chance we can get you up and running by the end of next week.

→ “No-sweat” complete Company setup, turn-keyed by a Pet. Eng.
→ “Done for you” Pumper roll-out and training

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